Kathleen Mercury
Host of school side of the Games in Schools and Libraries podcast, and a recurring voice on episodes of On Board Games and On RPGs. She has also been a featured guest on Cyrils Brettspiele podcast with Nils Herzmann (she's probably big in Germany).
Kathleen teaches gifted middle school students in St. Louis, Missouri. For the past 10 years, she's taught game design to her 7th grade students, and teaches RPG design, cosplay, filmmaking, and anything else weird and geeky she can to her 8th grade students. She maintains a website where she posts all her game design teaching resources for free, and loves hearing from folks around the world who find and use them. If you're looking for a fun presenter at conferences about teaching game design to kids, design thinking, and/or teaching gifted kids, she's your gal. She's also hilarious.
Geekway to the West
Kathleen is on the planning board of Geekway to the West, a 2800+ person game convention in Saint Louis, MO, specializing in game design events and Fancy Gaming, which is exactly what it sounds like.
Game Designer
Kathleen has two games under contract at the moment: Crash Course with IDW Games and a game in development with Kolossal Games. Kathleen enjoys games that are as fun to play as they are to win, so innovative gameplay and high thematic integration are her hallmarks. Eventually.