Posts tagged #Miniatures Games

OMG 5 - Sharp Practice!

In this episode Giles and Quinton review Sharp Practice, as well as talk about Perry Miniatures and Back 2 Base-ix. Sharp Practice is a black powder era miniatures game published by Too Fat Lardies. Perry Miniatures produce a wide-range of historical miniatures to suit the black powder era (and many others beside). Back-2-Base-ix produce a range of basing solutions, as well as paint racks and other wargame accessories.

Prussian Line, loaded and presented, fire on the enemy...

The British flank has collapsed, the end is near...

Getting ready to face off...

Giles' Perry Miniatures British force Cannon, metal skirmishers, plastic line, officers and rifles, and metal cavalry.

The Back-2-Base-ix mag-flex movement trays and bases

Posted on March 25, 2017 .