Posts tagged #Brukel

GSL 119: Designing Meaningful Games for an Older Audience

In Games in Schools and Libraries 119 Kathleen talks to Bob De Schutter, the C. Michael Armstrong Professor at the Armstrong Institute for Interactive Media Studies at Miami University in Ohio.

Dr. De Schutter talks about his research in games for and about older adults, creating ga ming experiences around memories of older adults, (highlighting his current project, Brukel, based on his Belgian grandmother's reminiscences about World War II), and why older adults need to be gamers.

Professor Bob De Schutter in the classroom.

Professor Bob De Schutter in the classroom.

ShushCon 2019, in Pawleys Island SC

ShushCon 2019, in Pawleys Island SC


Games in Schools and Libraries is produced in association with Inverse Genius and the Georgetown County Library System.
Games in Schools and Libraries Guild at Board Game Geek
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The ideas expressed by libraries included in the podcast are not expressly endorsed by the Georgetown County Library System. 

Posted on February 7, 2019 and filed under Game Design.