Posts tagged #John Coveyou

GSL 123: From Gamer Scientist to Scientist Game Designer


John Coveyou of Genius Games joins Kathleen Mercury to talk about his games, how he designs them, and how teachers and libraries can use them in the classroom.

This episode is posted a few days early so you have the chance to check out the Nerd Words Kickstarter campaign before it has ended.

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John Coveyou, former science teacher at the middle, high, and collegiate levels, formed Genius Games to bring scientifically accurate and fun games to the classroom.


Games in Schools and Libraries is produced in association with Inverse Genius and the Georgetown County Library System.
Games in Schools and Libraries Guild at Board Game Geek
Kathleen's resources
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The ideas expressed by libraries included in the podcast are not expressly endorsed by the Georgetown County Library System. 

Posted on April 8, 2019 and filed under Game Design.