Posts tagged #swarmcast

GSL 90: SCARAB 2018


In Games in Schools and Libraries episode 90 Donald  Dennis and Stephanie Frey talk about their experiences taking gaming on the road. Over the course of SCARAB 2018, in Columbia SC, Stephanie ran more than 120 people through escape rooms and Donald ran a wide variety of RPGs. The pair also competed in the RPG Pharaoh's Challenge, taking first and second place for Game Mastering excellence.

As you can tell it was a long weekend, and they really hadn't recovered when they recorded this episode. 

You should be able to hear reviews of the Georgetown County Library Escape Rooms on the Swarmcast over the next few weeks.

Games in Schools and Libraries is produced in association with Inverse Genius and the Georgetown County Library System.
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Our Catan the Big Game session from ShushCon 2017

Our Catan the Big Game session from ShushCon 2017

Posted on January 20, 2018 and filed under Conventions.

GSL 54: RPGs with Jon Maness

Games in Schools and Libraries 54
In this episode Donald and Jon talk about what games might be suitable for introducing new players to Role Playing Games.

Jon Maness  @KoboldDude on Twitter

SCARAB Swarmcast @SCARABSwarmCast on Twitter

SCARAB Gaming Convention January 13th - 16th 2017

RPGs Discussed

  • Adventure Maximus
  • Kobolds Ate My Baby
  • Dread / Grim
  • Fiasco
  • TOON

Games in Schools and Libraries is produced by Inverse Genius
Games in Schools and Libraries
Guild at Board Game Geek
Facebook group for WNBTeens
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